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Remember the good days

This is a reminder to myself as well as a suggestion for anyone who needs to hear this. Whether you have cancer, sciatica or something...

To live or not to live, that is the question

Shortly after I got my initial stage 4 cancer diagnosis I received a package in the mail. It was something I had ordered, I believe it...

Healing is hard.

In a society that expects what they want a minute after they touch a purchase button, it is not surprising that we often expect the same...

Ellen DeGeneres, SEND ME TO FINLAND!

Four years ago, a pair of angels disguised as my clients paid for three years of massage so that Charles and I could go the World Air...

Quality of life, whaaat?

My oncologist likes to say, "We want you to have a good quality of life." I hear this during every visit while my health care team gauges...

Way Back Machine Activate: The scan.

For my first round of chemotherapy--six sparkly infusions given over twelve weeks--the goal was to shrink the tumors and measure the...

Can you smell that?

As far back as I can remember, the time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve has felt magical to me. Take out the commercialism and...

The gateway drug...and RuPaul

As my idol RuPaul says: "If you can't love yourself, how the hell can you love anyone else?" While I'm all about this, I think...

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