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It’s not me, it’s you...

I wrote awhile ago about words and how they can be harmful. One of the inspirations for that post was my surgeon. I had tried to convey...

Apocalypse WOW!

This virus is nothing to make light of, however if you are not an essential part of the frontline solution but you want to do your part...

You have now entered The Twilight Zone

Seriously, what is happening?! When I was a kid Mount Saint Helens blew, it scared the crap out of me, I was not quite 10 years old. I...

Don't get cocky kid!

I think those of us that were born and raised in the USA can be a little complacent with a skosh of cockiness. In my lifetime we have...

All about Iggy

My dog died the other day, March 15, 2020 around 3:39am. Ignacio Sancho or just Iggy, a Boston Terrier/Pug/Chihuahua AKA “Chug/Bug” was...

The itch is back!

I have had quite a few good days! Long walks and mowing the lawn kind of days! The funny thing about feeling better is that I tend to...

This girl is on FIRE!

I finished a 5 shot, European radiation protocol last Wednesday in order to shrink my rectal tumor aka “Jabronie Major” to allow my butt...

Looking back from the abyss

My life is incredibly weird. I definitely have not lived a completely conventional life but it has always worked out for me. My first...

Blah, blah, Healthcare, blahhhh

I went for over 10 years without insurance. In that time I discovered alternative methods on dealing with my health issues. Since I had...

The She-Hulkapation Of Picante

Today was my first radiation or “She-Hulkening” treatment. As you may have gathered by now this is something I never wanted to do but the...

Always the Mario, never the princess

This whole cancer situation makes me feel like the Mario in a game of Donkey Kong. These fucking barrels keep flying at me, thrown by a...

Absolutely NOT an absolutist

I had a follow-up appointment with my surgeon today which induced mild hysteria and anxiety in me similar to my dogs when I take them to...

I almost slept through this post!

When you hear the term “cancer battle” I imagine most people can’t or don’t really want to picture what that means. The word “battle”...

Are you there god? It’s me, Picante...

If you have ever read the Judy Blume classic “Are you there god? It’s me Margaret” you might think I want to talk about the opposite of...

Dear My Butt, You’re my abscession

Two abscess surgeries in a one month period can really mess with a mind. I have been trying to puzzle out my health for almost 4 years...

The Adventures of Kara Picante: Blog2

Welcome to my world! Come keep me company and maybe we can learn something together.

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